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Lady lying on a couch whilst a man holds her head giving energy healing

Reiki Healing

Non-invasive energy healing designed to rebalance body and mind

1 h
Starting from £30
At your home or venue in Hertfordshire

Service Description

Sometimes, when we are stressed, we feel emotional or physical pain, and this can be a sign that the body is out of balance. Reiki is not designed to cure illnesses but to reduce symptoms by re-balancing the body. In turn, this can improve your outlook on life and sense of wellbeing. Past clients have said they have felt a deep sense of relaxation, a feeling of calmness and even pain reduction immediately after the session. Quite often the impact of a treatment can unfold days later. Some clients have been able to sleep better, gain an overall sense of clarity and/or a reduction in stress levels. Other clients have had more profound experiences and have described the treatment as an 'unblocking' or 'shifting' of something they have been stuck on for sometime, especially when a number of sessions are taken over subsequent months. Reiki is performed laid down on a massage table or if this is uncomfortable, you can sit on a chair or in a wheelchair. You will remain fully clothed throughout and treatment can be "hands on" or "hands off" dependent on the client's preferred needs. Treatments are generally 45 minutes and you should allow for an extra 15 minutes for discussion, pre and post session. There is an option to add sound therapy and 121 coaching to your treatment if you want to go to the next level of healing. Reiki is used as a complementary therapy within the NHS and Hospices in the UK and used in over 800 hospitals in the US.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment

Contact Details


Hertfordshire, UK

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